
Thank you for your enquiry about the Basingstoke Ramblers Club. The Club has a walk every Wednesday and Sunday ranging from 5 to 15 miles. There are several rest breaks, and on some all-day walks the lunch break may be near a pub but it is generally advisable to bring packed food. From end April to the end of August there are also occasional evening walks. The Club also has occasional B & B weekends, holidays and further afield coach trips.
Rambles take place wet or fine. Strong footwear should be worn and waterproof clothing taken. There are leaders on all walks.

Our yearly subscription is £6.00 per membership, which is renewable each February. There is a monthly newsletter and a programme of walks, which are put onto the members section of the website.
You are welcome to join us on a walk before becoming a member if you wish. You must be able to get to the start of the mainly circular walks, which are listed in the programme.
‘MR/Grid’ stands for Map Reference/Grid Reference and is given for those members who possess Ordnance Survey maps, but these are not generally necessary. Please ask if you need advice when purchasing maps from local shops. Some equipment shops give a discount on production of our Club Membership Card, details are on the website.
If you would like to, do come along, and inform the leader that you are walking with the group for the first time. To retain our public liability insurance, the Insurers have stated that dogs must be kept on a lead at all times whilst on a Club ramble. Our members are over the age of 16 and as such our walks are designed for adult walkers. Children are welcome to come but parents would be expected to keep them under control and respect the rules of the countryside and other walkers at all times
If you would like to join us, email your name, address and phone number to [email protected]. Let me know if you want to pay your subscription by bank transfer or cheque and I will send the bank details or the address, to send your cheque to.
Patricia Nash
Membership Secretary